
Moonstone Beach in Cambria πŸŒ•

Moonstone Beach in Cambria πŸŒ•

Rocko, Joy and I explored Moonstone Beach in Cambria after he got out of school. Rocko told Joy that we were hunting for treasure: gems and buried pirate treasure.

Moonstone Beach in Cambria πŸŒ•

Rocko, Joy and I explored Moonstone Beach in Cambria after he got out of school. Rocko told Joy that we were hunting for treasure: gems and buried pirate treasure.

Family Day at the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden 🌿

Family Day at the San Luis Obispo Botanical Gar...

The SLO Botanical Garden offered a free Family Day on the day after Thanksgiving. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful experience.

Family Day at the San Luis Obispo Botanical Gar...

The SLO Botanical Garden offered a free Family Day on the day after Thanksgiving. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful experience.

Rockhounding West Cuesta Ridge πŸͺ¨πŸΎ

Rockhounding West Cuesta Ridge πŸͺ¨πŸΎ

Rocko and I had a chance to search along West Cuesta Ridge's TV Tower Rd. We parked at the little dirt lot by the freeway and began walking the trail/road...

Rockhounding West Cuesta Ridge πŸͺ¨πŸΎ

Rocko and I had a chance to search along West Cuesta Ridge's TV Tower Rd. We parked at the little dirt lot by the freeway and began walking the trail/road...

A Mommy's Mining Adventure βš’οΈ

A Mommy's Mining Adventure βš’οΈ

When my kids are old enough, they will love this experience of searching for their own gemstones in dirt piles and under UV lights!

A Mommy's Mining Adventure βš’οΈ

When my kids are old enough, they will love this experience of searching for their own gemstones in dirt piles and under UV lights!

Playdough recipe 😻

Playdough recipe 😻

Every family needs a go-to playdough recipe. This is the one we rely on. It feels and smells great and lasts forever!

Playdough recipe 😻

Every family needs a go-to playdough recipe. This is the one we rely on. It feels and smells great and lasts forever!

Gift list for your outdoorsy kid 🎁

Gift list for your outdoorsy kid 🎁

After consulting Rocko and his friends, I've come up with this wish list of things kids love and will find useful for outdoor adventures.

Gift list for your outdoorsy kid 🎁

After consulting Rocko and his friends, I've come up with this wish list of things kids love and will find useful for outdoor adventures.